youyou - tradução para Inglês
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youyou - tradução para Inglês

n. (Nautical) dinghy


Yo Yo Ma
1. Something that is said in response to an exciting comment.
Not unlike saying sweet as or awesome. Has a very wide range of uses. (Kramerism)
2. A famous cellist named Yo Yo Ma.
Dan says, I got the keys to the benzito tonight. Jesse responds with, Yo yo ma.


Youyou peut désigner :
Exemplos de pronúncia para youyou
1. Youyou Tu joins in 1969.
Clever Girl _ Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya _ Talks at Google
2. Youyou Tu is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist
Clever Girl _ Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya _ Talks at Google
3. So after testing it on mice, Youyou Tu
Clever Girl _ Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya _ Talks at Google
4. So Youyou Tu decides to retread some old ground
Clever Girl _ Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya _ Talks at Google
5. Youyou Tu is asked to present the findings of Project 523
Clever Girl _ Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya _ Talks at Google